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Continuing Promise 2024 in Honduras
U.S. Army Col. Daniel Alder (left), Joint Task Force-Bravo Commander, and U.S. Army Command Sgt. Maj. Donald Harris (right), JTF-Bravo's Senior Enlisted Leader, pose in front of the USNS Burlington docked at Puerto Cortes, Honduras, Aug. 2, 2024. JTF-Bravo's command team along with the U.S. Ambassador to Honduras Laura Dogu, U.S. Southern Command's U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Javier Reina, the Deputy Commander for Mobilization and Reserve Affairs, and the Minister of Defense José Manuel Zelaya Rosales received a tour and attended a press conference at the USNS Burlington during exercise Continuing Promise 2024 in Honduras. (U.S. Air Force photo by Capt. Dorothy Sherwood)

Photo by: Capt. Dorothy Sherwood |  VIRIN: 240802-F-IA267-1194.JPG