Freedom of Information Act
There are currently no documents in the USNAVSOUTH/FOURTHFLT FOIA Reading Room.  You may send a FOIA request to USNAVSOUTH/FOURTHFLT by emailing us at:

You also may mail your request to:
U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command 
ATTN: Legal Office FOIA Officer
P.O. Box 280003
Jacksonville, FL 32228-0003
All FOIA and/or PA requests must be in writing and include the following information:  (1) your name, complete mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address; (2) a statement that you are making a FOIA and/or PA request; (3) a reasonable description of the specific record you seek that is sufficient to enable the Legal Office to identify the record; and (4) a statement that you agree to pay fees associated with the release of the record you are requesting, or a request that we waive fees.
Additional FOIA information can be found at: