All DoD military (including USCG), civilian, and contractor personnel traveling on
OFFICIAL BUSINESS into and within the
U.S. Southern Command Area of Responsibility must obtain Theater Clearance approval from the Commander, U.S. Southern Command, and from the destination country prior to travel.
All DOD military and USCG personnel (active duty and reserve) traveling on
LEAVE must obtain theater clearance approval (and country clearance approval, depending on where the traveler is going).
U.S. Southern Command Theater Requirements:
The Department of Defense Foreign Clearance Guide establishes the requirements for Theater Clearance approval. Theater Clearance requests will be completed via the Aircraft and Personnel Automated Clearance System (APACS). United States Southern Command Theater Entry Requirements are available at:
Each traveler is responsible for completing his or her own IATP via U.S. Pacific Command site: IATPs will be routed to the Command IATP validators for review and validation. Post validation, the IATP will then be routed to the Command Approver for final approval or denial. IATP approval authority will reside at the 0-6/GS 15 level (COS, MOC Director, or Deputy MOC Director) for all IATPs at USNAVSO/FOURTHFLT, except when a country travel restriction applies, which will require the Commander's approval. Each traveler will be responsible for completing his or her own APACS submission via the APACS site:
Pre-Travel Training Requirements:
- Level I Antiterrorism Training. For personnel assigned to USNAVSO/FOURTHFLT and those requesting travel within the USSOUTHCOM Area of Responsibility, AT Level I must be completed within 12 months (one (1) year) prior to entry/travel into the AOR. Training can be completed at NKO ELearning:
- SERE Training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape). This is required for all U.S. military, DoD civilians, and DoD-sponsored contractors on official travel. Must be current and completed within 36 months prior to entry into the AOR. Training can be completed at:
- Human Rights Awareness Education. This is required for all US military, DoD civilians and DoD-sponsored contractors on official travel. Training must be completed within 12 months (one (1) year) prior to entry/travel into the AOR. Training can be completed at:
- ISOPREP (Isolated Personnel Report). This is REQUIRED for all U.S. military, DoD civilians, and DoD-sponsored contractors on official travel. Personnel are required to digitally submit their ISOPREP within six months of entering USSOUTHCOM AOR or, if already completed, personnel must review/update their ISOPREP every six months at the minimum, and prior to travel within the AOR. Command Personnel Recovery Program Managers have the ability to submit/update ISOPREPS within the Personnel Recovery Management System (PRMS).
Additional travel information can be obtained from the U.S. Department of State Travel site at: