Welcome Aboard!
Congratulations and welcome to U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. 4th Fleet!

Our fleet consists of an exceptional team of military and civilian professionals who perform a mission of vital importance to our nation. The USNAVSOUTH/FOURTHFLT team is dedicated to supporting the Fleet, Sailors, and our families. You will find your tour here to be challenging and very rewarding.
At USNAVSOUTH/FOURTHFLT, we employ maritime forces in cooperative maritime security operations in order to maintain access, enhance interoperability, and build enduring partnerships that foster regional security in the USSOUTHCOM area of responsibility. This team is making a difference across the fleet and the Navy each and every day.
All personnel who receive orders to USNAVSOUTH/FOURTHFLT should have an assigned sponsor. Your sponsor will offer all necessary assistance to make your transition to our staff as smooth as possible. If you have not received notification of the name and address of your sponsor, please contact the Sponsor Coordinator at: cusns-c4f_sponsor@us.navy.mil or (904) 270-4840.
I am very honored and pleased to welcome you to the our staff and look forward to your arrival. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further assistance.
-Fleet Command Master Chief Kim Feroni

We are located onboard Naval Station Mayport. For more about the base and services please visit: